Brian Yare 1948-

Matthew WoodburnAge: 77 years17831860

Matthew Woodburn
Birth 1783 34 37
Birth of a brotherThomas Woodburn
1786 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterEllen Woodburn
1789 (Age 6 years)
Death of a sisterEllen Woodburn
January 1794 (Age 11 years)
Burial of a fatherWilliam Woodbourn
February 11, 1794 (Age 11 years)
Death of a motherEllen Kilner
July 1801 (Age 18 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Woodbourn
September 1808 (Age 25 years)
Death of a brotherThomas Woodburn
1830 (Age 47 years)

Death of a brotherWilliam Woodburne
April 30, 1836 (Age 53 years)
Death of a brotherThomas Woodburn
July 1851 (Age 68 years)
Death January 1860 (Age 77 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 10, 1771Cartmel, Lancashire, England
18 months
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
4 years
elder sister
5 years
elder brother
John Woodburn
Birth: 1781 32 35Cartmel, Lancashire, England
Death: May 21, 1781Cartmel, Lancashire, England
6 months
elder brother
William Woodburne
Birth: July 2, 1781 32 35Cartmel Lancashire
Death: April 30, 1836Cartmel, Lancashire, England
3 years
Matthew Woodburn
Birth: 1783 34 37Churchtown, Cartmel, Lancashire, England
Death: January 1860Bootle, Cumberland, United Kingdom
4 years
younger brother
Thomas Woodburn
Birth: 1786 37 40Cartmell, Preston Lancashire
Death: July 1851Withnell Preston Lancashire
4 years
younger sister
Ellen Woodburn
Birth: 1789 40 43Cartmel Lancashire
Death: January 1794Cartmel, Lancashire, England