Ellenor WilliamsAge: 95 years1810–1905
- Name
- Ellenor Williams
Birth | 1810 |
Marriage | Edward Morris — View this family October 1861 (Age 51 years) |
Death of a husband | Edward Morris April 2, 1864 (Age 54 years) |
Residence | 1871 (Age 61 years) |
Residence | Marital Status: WidowRelationship to Head: Aunt 1881 (Age 71 years) |
Lost Cousins | 1881 (Age 71 years) |
Death | q1, age 94 1905 (Age 95 years) |
Family with Edward Morris |
husband |
Edward Morris Birth: June 22, 1817 33 38 — Castle Wright, Mainstone, Shropshire, England Death: April 2, 1864 — Bush, Brilley, Herefordshire, England |
herself |
Ellenor Williams Birth: 1810 — Llandegley, Radnorshire, Wales Death: q1, age 94 — 1905 — Kington, Herefordshire, England |
Marriage: October 1861 — Hay, Breconshire, Wales |
Edward Morris + Ann Davies |
husband |
Edward Morris Birth: June 22, 1817 33 38 — Castle Wright, Mainstone, Shropshire, England Death: April 2, 1864 — Bush, Brilley, Herefordshire, England |
husband’s wife |
Ann Davies Birth: February 5, 1819 30 25 — Colva, Radnorshire, Wales Death: July 8, 1859 — Brilley, Herefordshire, England |
Marriage: December 19, 1842 — Bronydd Chapel, or Huntington parish church, Herefordshire, England |
6 years step-son |
John Morris Birth: October 22, 1848 31 29 — Brilley, Herefordshire, England Death: June 15, 1924 — Brook House, Eardisley, Herefordshire, England |
8 months step-son |
Edward Morris Birth: June 22, 1849 32 30 — Brilley, Herefordshire, England Death: March 28, 1931 — Holmesdale, Wellington, Herefordshire, England |