Brian Yare 1948-

John Thomas AllonbyAge: 72 years18781950

John Thomas Allonby
March 11, 1878 27 28
Baptism March 23, 1878 (Age 12 days)
Relationship to Head: Son
1881 (Age 2 years)
Lost Cousins 1881 (Age 2 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherRobert Allonby
1891 (Age 12 years)
Relation to Head: Son
1891 (Age 12 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherJane Townson
July 1898 (Age 20 years)
Relation to Head of House: Son
1901 (Age 22 years)
MarriageElizabeth Bella GravestonView this family
1907 (Age 28 years)
Marital Status: MarriedRelation to Head of House: Head Married 3 years (1=1+0)
April 2, 1911 (Age 33 years)
Lost Cousins 1911 (Age 32 years)

Birth of a son
John Graveston Allonby
April 9, 1912 (Age 34 years)
Death of a motherSarah Tyson
August 21, 1922 (Age 44 years)
Death of a fatherJohn Allonby
July 3, 1924 (Age 46 years)
Residence 1924 (Age 45 years)
Marital Status: Married
1939 (Age 60 years)
Death May 21, 1950 (Age 72 years)
Family with parents - View this family
John Allonby
Birth: April 27, 1850 33 19Hawkshead, Lancashire, England
Death: July 3, 1924Colton Cottages, Colton, Lancashire, England
Sarah Tyson
Birth: q2: consistent with being 9 months old at 1851 census. So not the Sarah Eleanor Tyson born in 1851 q1 at Ulverston!1850Coniston, Lancashire, England
Death: August 21, 1922Bandrake Head, Cumbria, Lancashire, England
Marriage: June 7, 1873St Mary's Church, Broughton-In-Furness, England
5 years
John Thomas Allonby
Birth: q2March 11, 1878 27 28Broughton West, Lancashire, England
Death: May 21, 1950Fellside Cottage, Bandrake Head, Colton, Ulverston, Lancashire, England
Family with Elizabeth Bella Graveston - View this family
John Thomas Allonby
Birth: q2March 11, 1878 27 28Broughton West, Lancashire, England
Death: May 21, 1950Fellside Cottage, Bandrake Head, Colton, Ulverston, Lancashire, England
Marriage: 1907Ulverston, Lancashire
5 years
John Graveston Allonby
Birth: April 9, 1912 34 31Ulverston, Lancashire, England
Death: December 1984Barrow In Furness, Cumbria, England

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