Brian Yare 1948-

Henry Mount DerhamAge: 63 years19061969

Henry Mount Derham
Birth January 27, 1906 18 20
Marriage of parentsWilham Henry MountClara DerhamView this family
October 1907 (Age 20 months)
Birth of a sisterAnnie Mount
about 1908 (Age 23 months)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Mount
July 8, 1909 (Age 3 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMary Ellen Renninson
1927 (Age 20 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherMatthew Thomas Mount
October 1935 (Age 29 years)
Death of a fatherWilham Henry Mount
December 1937 (Age 31 years)
Death of a motherClara Derham
October 1966 (Age 60 years)
Death July 1969 (Age 63 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 1907Lancaster, Lancashire, England
-20 months
Henry Mount Derham
Birth: January 27, 1906 18 20Lancashire, United Kingdom
Death: July 1969Bradford, Yorkshire
3 years
younger sister
Annie Mount
Birth: about 1908 20 22Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Death: 1989Morecambe, Lancashire
18 months
younger brother
William Mount
Birth: July 8, 1909 22 23Lancaster, Lancashire, England
Death: December 26, 1982Liverpool, Lancashire, England