Alice HolmeAge: 82 years1754–1836
- Name
- Alice Holme
Birth | 1754 |
Baptism | January 13, 1754 |
Marriage | Edward Allonby — View this family from Boyd's on FMP 1776 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | John Allonby February 22, 1777 (Age 23 years) |
Baptism of a son | John Allonby February 22, 1777 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | John Allonby 1782 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Edmund Allonby January 8, 1789 (Age 35 years) |
Marriage of a child | Edmund Allonby — Mary Newby — View this family October 1, 1814 (Age 60 years) |
Death of a husband | Edward Allonby November 13, 1827 (Age 73 years) |
Burial of a husband | Edward Allonby November 13, 1827 (Age 73 years) |
Death | May 10, 1836 (Age 82 years) |
Burial |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
herself |
Alice Holme Birth: 1754 — Cartmel, Lancashire, England Death: May 10, 1836 — Hawkshead, Lancashire, England |
Family with Edward Allonby |
husband |
Edward Allonby Birth: February 24, 1751 27 31 — Troutbeck, Windermere, Westmorland, England Death: November 13, 1827 — Hawkshead, Lancashire, England |
herself |
Alice Holme Birth: 1754 — Cartmel, Lancashire, England Death: May 10, 1836 — Hawkshead, Lancashire, England |
Marriage: 1776 — Cartmel, Lancashire, England |
14 months son |
John Allonby Birth: February 22, 1777 25 23 — Kirkby, Lancashire, England Death: October 1851 — Hawkshead Lancashire, England |
6 years son |
John Allonby Birth: 1782 30 28 — Millom, Cumberland, , England Death: 1851 |
7 years son |
Edmund Allonby Birth: January 8, 1789 37 35 — Millom, Cumberland, England Death: September 17, 1856 — Galloway Lane, Roger Ground, Hawkshead, Lancashire, England |
Media object | Direct Ancester Female Format: application/octet-stream |