Brian Yare 1948-

John Garlick WinderAge: 76 years19201997

John Garlick Winder
Birth November 26, 1920 22 21
Death of a paternal grandmotherOlivia Rule Pope
December 20, 1933 (Age 13 years)
Death of a motherAnnie Isabel Hodgson
June 21, 1934 (Age 13 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam Winder
April 2, 1940 (Age 19 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Winder
February 15, 1983 (Age 62 years)
Death January 1997 (Age 76 years)
Family with parents - View this family
William Winder
Birth: April 25, 1898 28 33Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Death: February 15, 1983South View Farm, Ulverston, Lancashire, England
Marriage: September 1919Ulverston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
15 months
John Garlick Winder
Birth: November 26, 1920 22 21Ulverston, Lancashire
Death: January 1997Barrow In Furness, Cumbria, England
Father’s family with an unknown individual - View this family
William Winder
Birth: April 25, 1898 28 33Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Death: February 15, 1983South View Farm, Ulverston, Lancashire, England