Brian Yare 1948-

Robert NewbyAge: 72 years18021874

Robert Newby
Birth 1802 32 28
Birth of a brotherIsaac Newby
April 16, 1804 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Newby
June 24, 1804 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterSarah Newby
May 1, 1809 (Age 7 years)
Death of a sisterAnn Newby
December 1837 (Age 35 years)
Residence 1841 (Age 39 years)
Death of a motherElizabeth Pickup
December 1846 (Age 44 years)
MarriageMargaret Kennedy née DoyleView this family
February 25, 1850 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Newby
1853 (Age 51 years)
Death of a fatherThomas Newby
1858 (Age 56 years)
Burial of a fatherThomas Newby
October 23, 1858 (Age 56 years)
Relationship: Head
1861 (Age 59 years)
Death of a sisterMary Newby
July 1871 (Age 69 years)
Relationship: Head
1871 (Age 69 years)
Death January 13, 1874 (Age 72 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 10, 1793Priory Church of St Mary and St Michael, Cartmel, Lancashire, England
19 months
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
Mary Newby
Birth: 1796 26 22Ulverston, Lancashire, England
Death: age 74July 1871Ulverston, Lancashire
2 years
elder sister
4 years
elder brother
3 years
2 years
younger brother
2 months
younger brother
5 years
younger sister
Family with Margaret Kennedy née Doyle - View this family
Marriage: February 25, 1850Manchester, St Mary, St Denys and St George, Lancashire, England
4 years
Thomas Newby
Birth: 1853 51 38Manchester, Lancashire, England
Death: March 27, 1887Manchester, Lancashire, England