Rose Hannah HadfieldAge: 98 years1913–2012
- Name
- Rose Hannah Hadfield
Birth | April 26, 1913 35 36 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Louisa Taylor 1925 (Age 11 years) |
Residence | Marital Status: Married 1939 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a mother | Martha Elizabeth Harris March 1940 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a father | Joseph Hadfield February 17, 1960 (Age 46 years) |
Residence | 2003 (Age 89 years) |
Death | February 23, 2012 (Age 98 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Joseph Hadfield Birth: October 13, 1877 — Manchester, Lancaster, England Death: February 17, 1960 — 159 Waterloo Road, Aston on Ribble, Preston, Lancashire, England |
mother |
Martha Elizabeth Harris Birth: April 24, 1877 28 23 — Newton Heath, Lancashire, England Death: March 1940 — Preston, Lancashire, England |
elder brother |
Joseph Henry Hadfield Birth: 1900 22 22 — Preston, Lancaster, England |
4 years elder brother |
Percival Hadfield Birth: about 1903 25 25 — Preston, Lancaster, England |
sister |
Private |
brother |
Private |
herself |
Rose Hannah Hadfield Birth: April 26, 1913 35 36 — Preston, Lancashire Death: February 23, 2012 — Preston, Lancashire, England |
sister |
Private |
sister |
Private |
Family with Private |
husband |
Private |
herself |
Rose Hannah Hadfield Birth: April 26, 1913 35 36 — Preston, Lancashire Death: February 23, 2012 — Preston, Lancashire, England |
daughter |
Private |
Media object | DNA link Format: application/octet-stream |