Brian Yare 1948-

David McMillanAge: 14 months18901891

David McMillan
Birth October 1890 32 31
Relation to Head: Son
1891 (Age 3 months)
age 1 year
December 1891 (Age 14 months)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 26, 1881Hulme, Holy Trinity, Lancashire, England
elder sister
1 year
elder sister
Lucy Grace McMillan
Birth: March 3, 1882 23 22Manchester, Lancashire, England
Death: October 1930South Manchester, Lancashire, England
22 months
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
Margaret Ann McMillan
Birth: May 27, 1888 30 28Manchester, Lancashire, England
Death: January 22, 1892Chorlton, Lancashire
2 years
David McMillan
Birth: October 1890 32 31Chorlton, Lancashire
Death: age 1 yearDecember 1891Chorlton, Lancashire
3 years
younger sister
Sarah Ellen McMillan
Birth: August 28, 1893 35 34Manchester, Lancashire, England
Death: October 17, 1936South Manchester, Lancashire, England