Mary CannonAge: 96 years1868–1964
- Name
- Mary Cannon
Birth | February 3, 1868 |
Marriage | John Wilson Allonby — View this family February 4, 1890 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Gladys W Allonby 1890 (Age 21 years) |
Residence | Relation to Head: Wife 1891 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Braithwaite Allonby about 1893 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Mary Olive Allonby March 18, 1895 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | John Allonby February 21, 1899 (Age 31 years) |
Residence | Relation to Head of House: Wife 1901 (Age 32 years) |
Residence | Marital Status: MarriedRelation to Head of House: Wife April 2, 1911 (Age 43 years) |
Marriage of a child | George Reuben Sawford — Mary Olive Allonby — View this family December 1920 (Age 52 years) |
Residence | Marital Status: Married 1939 (Age 70 years) |
Death of a husband | John Wilson Allonby September 3, 1941 (Age 73 years) |
Residence | Marital Status: Single |
Death | September 1964 (Age 96 years) |
Family with John Wilson Allonby |
husband |
John Wilson Allonby Birth: April 25, 1862 31 27 — Bowness, Westmorland, England Death: September 3, 1941 — 22 Park Road, Heathwaite, Windermere, Westmorland, England |
herself |
Mary Cannon Birth: February 3, 1868 — Keswick, Cumberland, England Death: September 1964 — Westmorland South, Westmorland, England |
Marriage: February 4, 1890 — Hawkshead, Lancashire, England |
11 months daughter |
Gladys W Allonby Birth: 1890 27 21 — Claife, Lancashire, England Death: December 1972 — Westmorland South, Westmorland, England |
4 years son |
Braithwaite Allonby Birth: about 1893 30 24 — Claife, Lancashire, England Death: September 1968 — Westmorland South, Westmorland, England |
2 years daughter |
Mary Olive Allonby Birth: March 18, 1895 32 27 — Windermere, Westmorland, England Death: March 1986 — Butler, Butler, Pennsylvania, USA |
4 years son |
John Allonby Birth: February 21, 1899 36 31 — Windermere, Westmorland, England Death: September 1975 — Kendal, Westmorland, England |