Edith Mary MorrisAge: 97 years1887–1985
- Name
- Edith Mary Morris
Birth | December 29, 1887 39 39 |
Birth of a sister | Rosa May Selina Jane Morris January 16, 1891 (Age 3 years) |
Residence | Relationship: Daughter 1891 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a sister | Gwenfron Elsie Morris December 1892 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a sister | Gwenfron Elsie Morris December 1892 (Age 4 years) |
Baptism | March 17, 1895 (Age 7 years) |
Residence | Relation to Head of House: Daughter 1901 (Age 13 years) |
Residence | Marital Status: SingleRelation to Head of House: Daughter April 2, 1911 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage | John Thomas Morris — View this family July 30, 1912 (Age 24 years) |
Marriage | John Thomas Morris — View this family September 1912 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | John David Thomas Morris October 1912 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Edith Mary (Molly) Morris September 24, 1914 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Rees Thomas Morris December 8, 1915 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Herbert James Morris September 23, 1918 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Dorothy Gertrude Morris 1920 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a mother | Mary Rees November 29, 1920 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a father | John Morris June 15, 1924 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a brother | Charles Thomas Morris December 23, 1928 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a brother | William Edward Morris July 2, 1930 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a brother | John Rees Morris August 6, 1947 (Age 59 years) |
Marriage of a child | Thomas Harold Yemm — Edith Mary (Molly) Morris — View this family 1949 (Age 61 years) |
Death of a brother | Edwin Arthur Morris May 14, 1949 (Age 61 years) |
Death of a brother | Herbert James Morris October 13, 1951 (Age 63 years) |
Death of a brother | Rowland Rees Morris November 11, 1955 (Age 67 years) |
Death of a sister | Annie Sophia Morris January 22, 1960 (Age 72 years) |
Marriage of a child | Herbert James Morris — Elizabeth A Pearman — View this family 1968 (Age 80 years) |
Death of a brother | Henry Martin Morris December 1968 (Age 80 years) |
Death of a sister | Rosa May Selina Jane Morris June 8, 1975 (Age 87 years) |
Death of a son | Rees Thomas Morris March 1976 (Age 88 years) |
Death of a sister | Minnie Harriet Morris March 1976 (Age 88 years) |
Death of a son | John David Thomas Morris 1979 (Age 91 years) |
Death | October 9, 1985 (Age 97 years) |
Probate | November 29, 1985 (51 days after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Morris Birth: October 22, 1848 31 29 — Brilley, Herefordshire, England Death: June 15, 1924 — Brook House, Eardisley, Herefordshire, England |
mother |
Mary Rees Birth: March 24, 1848 — Huntington, Herefordshire, England Death: November 29, 1920 — Eardisley, Herefordshire, England |
Marriage: March 1869 — Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales |
16 months elder brother |
William Edward Morris Birth: July 2, 1870 21 22 — Gladestry, Radnorshire, Wales Death: July 2, 1930 — Stowe Farm, Whitney, Herefordshire, England |
23 months elder brother |
John Rees Morris Birth: June 3, 1872 23 24 — Gladestrey, Radnorshire, Wales Death: August 6, 1947 — Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA |
17 months elder sister |
Annie Sophia Morris Birth: November 14, 1873 25 25 — Gladestrey, Radnorshire, Wales Death: January 22, 1960 — Kington, Herefordshire, England |
4 years elder brother |
Herbert James Morris Birth: about 1877 28 28 — Gladestrey, Radnorshire, Wales Death: October 13, 1951 — Hereford, Herefordshire, England |
19 months elder brother |
Henry Martin Morris Birth: July 22, 1878 29 30 — Gladestrey, Radnorshire, Wales Death: December 1968 — Kington, Herefordshire, England |
3 years elder sister |
Minnie Harriet Morris Birth: June 22, 1881 32 33 — Gladestrey, Radnorshire, Wales Death: March 1976 — Enfield, London, England |
14 months elder brother |
Edwin Arthur Morris Birth: August 29, 1882 33 34 — Almeley, Herefordshire, England Death: May 14, 1949 — Kington, Herefordshire, England |
22 months elder brother |
Charles Thomas Morris Birth: July 5, 1884 35 36 — Michaelchurch on Arrow, Radnorshire, Wales Death: December 23, 1928 — Mazeppa, Wabasha, Minnesota, USA |
22 months elder brother |
Rowland Rees Morris Birth: April 27, 1886 37 38 — Michaelchurch, Radnorshire, Wales Death: November 11, 1955 — The White House, Peopleton, Worcestershire, England |
20 months herself |
Edith Mary Morris Birth: December 29, 1887 39 39 — Michaelchurch on Arrow, Radnorshire, Wales Death: October 9, 1985 — The Folley, Eardisley, Herefordshire, England |
3 years younger sister |
Rosa May Selina Jane Morris Birth: January 16, 1891 42 42 — Michaelchurch On Arrow, Radnorshire, Wales Death: June 8, 1975 — Kington, Herefordshire, England |
23 months younger sister |
Gwenfron Elsie Morris Birth: December 1892 44 44 — Kington, Herefordshire Death: December 1892 — Kington, Herefordshire |
Family with John Thomas Morris |
husband |
John Thomas Morris Birth: 1891 — Broxwood, Pembridge, Herefordshire, England |
herself |
Edith Mary Morris Birth: December 29, 1887 39 39 — Michaelchurch on Arrow, Radnorshire, Wales Death: October 9, 1985 — The Folley, Eardisley, Herefordshire, England |
Marriage: July 30, 1912 — Christ Church, Highbury Grove, London, England |
Marriage: September 1912 — Islington, London, England |
3 months son |
John David Thomas Morris Birth: q4, mmn=Morris — October 1912 21 24 — Weobley, Herefordshire, England Death: 1979 |
2 years daughter |
Edith Mary (Molly) Morris Birth: September 24, 1914 23 26 — Herefordshire, England Death: October 24, 2010 — Hertfordshire |
14 months son |
Rees Thomas Morris Birth: December 8, 1915 24 27 — Weobley, Herefordshire Death: March 1976 — Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England |
3 years son |
Herbert James Morris Birth: September 23, 1918 27 30 — Kington, Herefordshire, England Death: May 16, 1994 — Hurst Way, Eardisley, Herefordshire, England |
2 years daughter |
Dorothy Gertrude Morris Birth: 1920 29 32 Death: 2007 |