Michael HawkriggBirth: October 19, 1855 — Ambleside, Westmorland, England Death: March 20, 1938 — 442, Manning Avenue, York, Toronto, Canada |
Jane Ann AtkinsonBirth: q2, mmn=Allenby There is no certainty as to which Atkinson was the genetic father. The 1861 census shows Thomas Turner Atkinson and Eleanor Atkinson as married, but I have not traced the marriage. They may not have been married to each other. — March 1, 1861 37 36 — Grasmere, Westmorland, England Death: March 14, 1932 — York, Ontario, Canada |
|  |  |  | Thomas Turner AtkinsonBirth: about 1824 — Low Park, Skelwith, Lancashire, England Death: q3, Kendal. Age 85. — August 24, 1909 — Bowness-on-Windermere, Westmorland, England |
| |  | Eleanor AllonbyBirth: 1825 35 30 — Hawkshead, Lancashire, England Death: July 10, 1905 — Cragg, Westmorland, England |
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